705-428-3500 info@getmooreauto.ca

Your vehicle’s radiator is more than just a component—it’s a crucial part of your engine’s health. It works tirelessly to maintain the perfect balance of temperature by dissipating the intense heat generated during combustion. However, when this system falters, your car can exhibit worrisome signs like overheating, leaking hoses, or even billowing steam. These indicators are clear warnings of potential malfunctions that demand immediate attention.

Here’s how radiators work:

Heat Transfer: Hot coolant from the engine flows into the radiator through hoses. The radiator’s core is made up of small tubes and fins, providing a large surface area for heat exchange.

Cooling Process: As the hot coolant circulates through the radiator’s tubes, air passes over the fins, transferring heat from the coolant to the air. This process cools the coolant down, preparing it to return to the engine to absorb more heat.

Regulation: The radiator’s thermostat helps regulate the engine’s temperature by controlling the flow of coolant. When the engine reaches operating temperature, the thermostat opens, allowing coolant to flow into the radiator for cooling. If the engine temperature drops below the set level, the thermostat closes to retain heat in the engine.

Pressure Management: Radiators also manage the pressure within the cooling system. The coolant expands as it heats up, creating pressure. Radiators have a pressure cap that allows excess pressure to escape into the overflow reservoir, preventing damage to hoses and other components.

Here at Get Moore Auto Service, we recognize the urgency of addressing cooling system concerns. Our team of skilled technicians specializes in diagnosing and swiftly resolving such issues with precision and efficiency. Whether it entails a minor repair or a more intricate part replacement, you can trust us to restore your vehicle’s performance and ensure its safety on the road.

Don’t compromise on your vehicle’s well-being. Reach out to us today at 705-428-3500 to schedule your next appointment and let us keep you rolling smoothly down the road. Your peace of mind is our top priority, and we’re dedicated to providing you with the exceptional service and care you deserve!